Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Creation Is Infinite

Yesterday was a cold and grey rainy day. I love the rain; it makes everything clean and green and begins the process of the rebirth of life. Maybe it’s because I live in Southern California that the rain is so special to me. Living with 360 days of warm/hot sunshine only sounds good to those who get little of it. Whereas, there are few things in life that are as comforting to me as sitting around a fire when the weather is cold and wet. I love the snow as well, but we don’t get very much of that where I live, although, it does happen from time to time.

Just give me a hot pot of green tea, a cat or two, my acoustic guitar, finger-plucked - mingling with the sound of the rain and my siren’s voice singing a soft, melancholy song of yearning, and I will lose myself within the labyrinth of my own imagination.
These caverns of solitude and creation are my retreat from the everyday cacophony of the modern world. For these are the special self-reflective moments that merge my soul with the oneness of the universe; like splattered watercolors on the pavement, in the rain, running and blending together; mingling and commingling and creating new life and art.

Sometimes, I feel lonely. But, for the most part, I enjoy being alone. Until, I feel the need to share my dreams with those who can understand and appreciate them. For dreams are the creation and recreation of the universe. The mind is the painter upon the canvas of the space-time continuum and thoughts are its brushes. Creation is infinite.

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